Additions to Galaxy Gallery

I added a few more of my images to the Galaxy gallery today. The images I’ve posted so far have been captured over the last year and a half to two years. With my first posts, I intended to add in all of the technical information as I added the images to the gallery, but I soon realized that it would take me the rest of the year to get my images up. So I decided to add all the images and then highlight some of the technicals.

Most of the images were captured with an Explore Scientific ED127mm F7.5 Triplet APO refractor on a Celestron Cgemdx mount.  I use an SBIG STi guider with PHD  for guiding on a separate guide scope. Some of the images were taken on a Stellarvue 105mm F7 APO refractor, Stellarvue 80mm F7 ED Doublet, and a Stellarvue 60mm F5.5 Doublet APO, mounted on an Ioptron ZEQ25gt equatorial mount.

The color images with the exception of M104 were taken with a Canon 60da DSLR or Rebel XT.  I used a 35mm F2.0 Nikon lens on the Canon for the wide field shots.

M104 and the monochrome images are the first “test” shots with my new (April) Atik One 6.0 ccd camera and built in filter wheel with Astronomik RGB filters. The summer weather and other projects have kept the imaging to a minimum this year, so far.


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